Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bye bye Lebua

So we left our hotel in Bangkok early this morning. I miss it already. It's the best hotel I've ever stayed in.

I'm in Siem Reap, Cambodia now. What a long, long journey to get here. First it was a 4hr minibus ride, then we transferred to another minibus, then we walked 500m to the cambodian border (with my 2 super heavy bags), then a shuttle bus to take a 2hr taxi ride and from the taxi we transferred to a tuk tuk. I'm not sure why we changed over so many times, but I'm glad to finally be in the hotel. It's pretty good here. It's clean and the people are really friendly. It's definitely not Lebua at State Tower, but it's pretty awesome for $9/person/night. Just going to rest for the remainder of the day. Maybe go to the market or get a massage in our hotel.

Only 5 more days and I'll be home! Where has the time gone?!

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