Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mekong Delta Day 1

Another day starting with a vietnamese ice coffee. It's so good. Bought a coffee bun at the bakery which was delicious. Half way through the bun I found out why...look at that butter!!

We took a car ride with our tour group of 5, then a boat to Unicorn island where we sampled fresh fruits and listened to folk music. There were bananas (which were the sweetest ever), papaya, pineapple, jackfruit, dragon fruit and "brown kiwi". All were so tasty. I love the fruits here.

Next we went to Phoenix island. We did so many things I'm just going to list them and post pics. Coconut candy manufacturer, drank snake wine, held a python, rode a horsecart, tried a banana/coconut sticky rice wrap, had an awesome row boat ride down the river, coconut juice and another boat ride. The best part of Phoenix island was Susan screaming while she tried to hold onto the python.

We were hosted by a family living in Tra On, an island town. We helped with preparing dinner which was delicious. We had spring rolls, green beans, spinach soup and rice paper wrap.

Saw fireflies in the evening and then I had my "moment". Showertime. I made Susan stay in the shower with me which is an outdoor "building" with a toilet and a showerhead and a bit of space. This building isn't enclosed so you can only imagine all the bugs. Susan was my bodyguard against the huge bug that was sharing the shower with me. The thing was the size of 2 toonies. Anyways, how embarrassing.


  1. WOW!! you look so cute in the hat :D
    Wow, must be an amazing trip, keep on posting, you're getting me more jealous with each sentence! Keep having a blast!

  2. Haha Susan holding a python! Was that at the massage parlour you were talking about?
